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Chinese translation for "on the frontline"


Related Translations:
frontline:  锋线(包括大前锋,小前锋,中锋)前线
frontline bomber:  前线轰炸机
frontline battlefield:  正面战场
frontline subject:  尖端课题
frontline medical workers:  前线医护人员
frontline first aid:  火线抢救
frontline first and:  火线抢救
african frontline states:  非洲前线国家
frontline air force:  前线航空兵
african frontline state summit:  非洲前线国家首脑会议
Example Sentences:
1.Attacks on the frontline games - 4455 miniclip games
狙击最前线小游戏- 4399小游戏
2.Do you want to be on the frontline of technology innovation
3.Attacks on the frontline games
4.Attacks on the frontline
5.There ’ s no advertising cost and you can be on the frontline of new opportunities simply by scanning forums in your niche
Similar Words:
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